Beyond the Now at Imagine! Festival Belfast

Friday, 19 February, 2021
Bernadette Wolbring: Reform 75-100 performance. Image: Jaime Culebro
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We are pleased to announce that Beyond the Now will take part in the Imagine! Festival of Ideas and Politics Belfast, with “Beyond the Now: Art and Mutual Aid after the Pandemic”, a panel discussion to be held on the 23rd March at 11am. Reserve your free place at the Imagine! Festival site.


As we try to map a route beyond Covid-19, the arts can play an important role in renewing community. But it has to be acknowledged that artists and arts infrastructure has been hard hit by the pandemic.The return to normality, when it arrives, cannot be the picking up of routines that were curtailed by months of lockdown. Normality now offers itself to be remade.

This panel discussion, featuring Dr. Stephen Felmingham, Dr Majella Clancy and Dr Kim Charnley, aims for an honest assessment of the challenges encountered in the wake of Covid-19, while affirming art as an agent of social renewal. It asks what role art might take in reconstruction and explores the ethics of ‘mutual aid’ that informs some forms of art activism.

Socially-engaged art has long drawn on activist traditions that developed the theory and practice of mutual aid. This radical perspective aims to foster models of reciprocal care that foster solidarity, value difference and fashion community.

The economic and human effects of the pandemic are so severe that spontaneous forms mutual aid have emerged. Around the world, responding to local conditions and using local knowledge, community-based and grassroots cooperation has played a key role in responses to the pandemic. Often, centralised top-down projects have failed to achieve comparable results, despite lavish funding.

Featuring a range of perspectives, the panel will ask: how should we think about art’s role in a post-pandemic world? What human potentials and new social relations might arise in this situation? How might arts organisations and artists learn from models of mutual aid, long practiced and implemented within community and civic sectors?

This event is held by The Open University and Beyond the Now.


Dr Stephen Felmingham works with drawing and social practice, as a mediator of creative forms of social organisation. The relationship of creativity to the wider social realm is a key aspect of both his teaching and drawing research. He lectures in postgraduate studies at Plymouth College of Art, UK.

Dr Majella Clancy is a Belfast based artist who works across a painting and printmaking practice. Her research often involves collaboration and participation as a means for extending dialogue and critical enquiry. She is a part time lecturer at Ulster University.

Dr Kim Charnley is an art theorist and art historian who researches art activism. He is lecturer in Art History at the Open University and has authored a book entitled Sociopolitical Aesthetics: Art, Crisis, Neoliberalism (Bloomsbury) dealing with socially-engaged art.


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‘Beyond the Now’ is a syndicated social practice platform, founded by partners based and working in locations across the globe, which aims to open up new creative, cultural and political affinities for a post-pandemic world.


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‘Beyond the Now’ aims for an accessible written style. It is not an academic journal and the written contributions may include first person accounts and reflections. 

Contributions should be approximately 500-1000 words in length. 

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The Bio should be 100-150 words long to ensure a standard appearance across the site  (100 words minimum and 150 words maximum).

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Where the content of the submission involves theoretical or other specialist content, please aim as much as possible for exposition that will be accessible to a general reader (i.e. across academic disciplines and to non-academics).

The language of the site is English (UK spelling). Please use ‘z’ spelling for words ending in ‘-ize’, ‘-ization’ (Example: organize, organization). Alternative spellings in quoted material, book and article titles should not be changed, however.

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